Partners and Funders

Key 2023 Funding Sources

R4D works strategically across a diverse range of donors who provide complementary funding. We believe that supporting the success of change agents requires “connecting the dots” across initiatives to create alignment and reduce fragmentation. Therefore, many R4D initiatives and country programs link the efforts of foundations, multilateral agencies and bilateral donors, enabling these funders to better align their resources behind country needs.


  • The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
    • Global Health Delivery
    • Maternal Child Health (Nutrition)
    • Global Education
    • Policy and Advocacy
    • Nigeria Office
    • Ethiopia Office
    • India Office
  • BHP Billiton Foundation
  • Big Win Philanthropies
  • Children’s Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF)
  • Givewell (Good Ventures)
  • The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
  • Jacobs Foundation
  • Merck for Mothers
  • The Rockefeller Foundation
  • Silicon Valley Community Foundation
  • Open Society Foundations
  • Aga Khan Foundation
  • Bayer Cares Foundation
  • Bernard Van Leer Foundation
  • The PEW Charitable Trusts
  • Eleanor Crook Foundation


  • Australia – DFAT
  • Canada – Grand Challenges and Global Affairs
  • UK – FCDO
  • Sweden – SIDA
  • Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs


  • Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance
  • The Global Fund for Aids, TB and Malaria
  • World Bank: Global Financing Facility for Women, Children and Adolescents
  • World Bank: Global Partnership for Education
  • World Health Organization
  • United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization

Global & Regional Initiatives to Catalyze Stronger Systems

R4D designs and leads global and regional initiatives that connect local leaders and their partners to promote local agendas and achieve locally led results.